
St. Bridget’s Convent was founded in 1902 on the fifteenth  of February at the request of His Grace the Most Reverend Dr. T.A. Melizan OMI Archbishop of Colombo and established in a rented house known as the “Firs” in Turret Road by two sisters Sr. Mary of St. Francis Borgia and Sr. Mary of our Lady of Lourdes.

The first school day dawned on February 17th 1902 with 14 students including 2 boys.

Outgrowing its premises as the student population increased the school moved to the present location which was known as Henley House on February 7th 1912 and presently known as St. Bridget’s Convent. St. Bridget’s was recognised as a Collegiate school to a Primary Department in November 1932 consequent to the rapidly increasing numbers of students it was deemed advisable to have two sections for administrative purposes Sr. Mary of St. Gerard was appointed Principal of the Primary Department.