
A Sacred Milestone

A Sacred Milestone

On 28th September, St. Bridget’s Convent Primary School witnessed 160 young hearts embark on a profound spiritual journey as they received their First Holy Communion. The school auditorium was beautifully transformed into a sanctuary, enhanced by radiant stained glass windows, delicate floral arrangements, and soft candlelight, all suffused with an aura of reverence.

Dressed in pristine white uniforms, the young communicants moved with a grace beyond their years, embodying the purity and deep devotion this sacrament represents. Their months of diligent preparation culminated in this sacred moment, a rite of passage that reflected not only their faith but also the unwavering support of their teachers and spiritual mentors.

As the Mass progressed, the students’ quiet reverence spoke volumes about their understanding of the sacred mystery they were about to embrace.

The moment of Communion was met with hushed awe. As each child, flanked by their parents, approached the altar, hands clasped and eyes cast downward in prayer, they exhibited a serenity that belied their tender age.

A particularly heartwarming moment occurred as the students turned to their parents and sang “Le Kiri Karala” with unbridled affection. This beautiful expression of gratitude and love filled the auditorium with a warmth that enveloped all present. It was a sight so moving that it brought tears of joy to the eyes of many.

The ceremony was beautifully capped off with a joyous gathering in the Primary School hall, where the students were served refreshments and commemorative photographs were taken. Each of them received their certificate along with a special gift of sacramentals.

It was truly a day of spiritual awakening. We take immense pride in our students and express our heartfelt gratitude to the parents, teachers, and clergy who have so steadfastly supported them on this transformative journey.
May these young communicants continue to deepen their faith, always guided by the light of Christ.

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