
Honouring St. Mary Euphrasia

Honouring St. Mary Euphrasia

The weeks leading up to the Feast of St. Mary Euphrasia saw a palpable anticipation fill our school. Classrooms, adorned with images of this revered saint, served as a visible reminder of her enduring legacy. Students embarked on a learning journey, delving into her remarkable life story and discovering her unwavering enthusiasm, vigour, and courage – traits that made her a true model of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

St. Mary Euphrasia, the foundress of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, holds a special place in the hearts of our school community as St. Bridget’s Convent is lovingly managed by the Good Shepherd Sisters. Her lifelong dedication to serving others and her profound faith continue to inspire us to this day.

On the morning of the feast, students gathered in the school hall, eager to participate in the day’s celebrations. An inspiring video brought St. Mary Euphrasia’s story to life, immersing us in her journey of faith and service.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the Holy Mass, presided over by Rev. Fr. Nicolas Erinton Silva. The entire school community, including students and teachers, came together in prayer and thanksgiving. As the solemn melodies of hymns filled the air, a deep sense of admiration for St. Mary Euphrasia resonated within the hearts of all present.

Amidst the reverence of the Mass, the words of St. Mary Euphrasia echoed in our minds: “I had no great talents, nor have I done anything great… I only loved. But I loved with all the strength of my soul…” These deeply stirring words serve as a guiding light, reminding us of the simplicity and power of love in our lives.

Following the Mass, a ceremonial cutting of the feast day cake took place, led by our Principal, Rev. Sr. Dilrukshika Silva.

The spirit of celebration extended into the classrooms, where students, alongside their class teachers, gathered to recite a prayer dedicated to St. Mary Euphrasia and joined in the cutting of cake together. This moment of collective reverence and celebration deepened our appreciation for St. Mary Euphrasia’s impactful selfless devotion.

As the day’s commemoration drew to a close, we were left with a renewed commitment to St. Mary Euphrasia’s timeless message. She beckons us to walk in her footsteps as shepherdesses of compassion, radiating love and kindness within our school walls and beyond.
